23rd Annual Meeting of the German Chapter of ISMRM

September 9-10, 2021

ETH Zurich, ETZ-Building, Gloriastrasse 35, Zurich, Switzerland

Lectures: Paul Scherrer Auditorium, Floor F

Posters: Foyer, Floor E




Thursday, September 9, 2021


09:30 – 11:00     Welcome and Invited Talks

                                Chair: Franek Hennel

Zoom: https://ethz.zoom.us/s/68740728140                    

Imaging the aging brain: on track for preconditions of sustained mental health

Prof. Paul Unschuld, University of Geneva, Switzerland

MRI Together

Prof. Maxim Zaitsev, Medical University of Vienna, Austria


11:00 – 11:30     Coffee break


11:30 – 13:15     Session 1: Heart and Motion

                                Chair: Thomas Kampf

Zoom: https://ethz.zoom.us/s/63602894937

V1*        A novel phantom for realistic dynamic flow and wall shear stress measurements in an aneurysm model, Patrick Winter et al.

V2           Über die Messung der Porenverteilungsfunktion und das Erscheinen von Signal-Peaks bei Verwendung langer Diffusionsgradienten, Christoph Martin Stuprich et al.

V3           4D-flow background phase correction using M-estimate SAmple Consensus (MSAC), Carola Fischer et al.

V4           Concomitant field compensation in a double diffusion encoding sequence using oscillating gradients: Feasibility and efficiency, Julian Rauch et al.

V5           Magnetic Particle Imaging goes Human-sized, Patrick Vogel et al.

V6           Vergleichende MRT-Untersuchungen der kardialen Funktion nicht-humaner Primaten, Ina Barnekow et al.

V7           Neurometabolic changes in neonates with congenital heart disease and the relation to developmental outcome, Céline Steger et al.

V8           Estimation of Head Motion using a Linear Signal Model and Orbital K-space Navigators, Thomas Ulrich et al.


13:15 – 14:15     Lunch


14:15 – 15:30     Gorter Prize Finalists 1

                                Chair: Amir Moussavi

Zoom: https://ethz.zoom.us/s/67806224180

G1          Measuring the iron content of dopaminergic neurons in substantia nigra with MRI relaxometry, Malte Brammerloh et al.

G2          Hirngewebe besitzen Einzel-Voxel-Signaturen in multispektra-ler MR-Bildgebung, Alexander German et al.

G3          Schnelle online-Optimierung von parallelen Sendepulsen für die Anwendung in der klinischen Praxis, Jürgen Herrler et al.


15:30 – 16:00     Coffee break


16:00 – 17:15     Gorter Prize Finalists 2

                                Chair:  Markus Weiger

Zoom: https://ethz.zoom.us/s/68266580580

G4          3D Sodium (23Na) Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting for time-efficient relaxometric mapping, Fabian J. Kratzer et al.

G5          Concepts for Wearable Technology in MR: Lightweight Flexible Radio Frequency Coils and Optical Wireless Communication, Lena Nohava

G6          Acquisition and Reconstruction Algorithms for Highly Efficient Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Daniel Polak


17:30 – 18:45     Career Options – Panel Discussion from Academia to Industry  

                                Zoom: https://ethz.zoom.us/s/68813935326


19:00 – 20:00     Poster Session (Floor E)

Chair: Julia Trächtler                      

Zoom: https://ethz.zoom.us/s/66584955748

The classic poster session (at the boards) will take place simultaneously with the virtual one (Zoom meeting, link above). All poster files will be available for viewing on the webpage. Authors present in Zurich are also requested to place their posters on the boards in the lobby and be available there from time to time after 19:00 on Thursday for questions. At the same time (19:00), a Zoom meeting will be started to allow all authors (present and remote) to answer questions. Physically present participants will use their laptops or smartphones for that purpose (eduroam WiFi available). Please ask your questions in the Zoom chat when the given author is not there. Remember to indicate the abstract number in your question. Authors, please rename yourself in the Zoom session so that the poster number (P01, P02 etc.) comes before your name and check the chat history to find questions to you.


19:00-21:00         Apéro (Floor E – Terrace)



Friday, September 10, 2021


09:30 – 11:15     Session 2: Body

                                Chair: Daniel Nanz

Zoom: https://ethz.zoom.us/s/64866436463

V9*        Kurtosis versus D(b50,b750)  und D(b750,b1500) zur Differenzierung maligner und benigner Brustläsionen in der diffusionsgewichteten Brust-MRT, Mona Pistel et al.

V10*      T2-Mapping zur Evaluation einer Chondromalazie des posterolateralen Tibiaplateaus, Mirjam Gerwing et al.

V11        Improved UTE AFI spoiling scheme for faster B1 correction, Marta Brigit Maggioni et al.

V12        Einfluss von Messtechniken und Rekonstruktionsverfahren auf die Klassifizierbarkeit von Läsionen in der 23Na-MRT, Laurent Ruck et al.

V13        Layered graph-cuts for water–fat–silicone separation in chemical shift encoding-based breast MRI, Jonathan Stelter et al.

V14*      SPIRAL 7Li MRI for in vivo neuroimaging of lithium in mice: a feasibility study, Tor Rasmus Memhave et al.

V15        Bestimmung von ultrakurzen  Relaxationszeiten, Nico Egger et al.

V16*      Assessment of Whole-Body Fat Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Pilot Study and Validation in a Population-based Cohort, Marie-Luise Kromrey et al.


11:15 – 11:45     Coffee break


11:45 – 13:30     Session 3: Brain

Chair: Roger Lüchinger

                                Zoom: https://ethz.zoom.us/s/63984205691

V17        Mapping myelin content in ex-vivo MS brain tissue using short-T2 MRI of the lipid-protein bilayer, Emily Louise Baadsvik et al.

V18        Partial Simultaneous Multi-Slice Acquisition of Combined T2*-Weighted Imaging of the Human Brain and Cervical Spinal Cord, Ying Chu et al.

V19        Evaluating diffusion dispersion across an extended range of b-values and frequencies using advanced OGSE methodology, Eric Michael et al.

V20        Synchronous-nonmonotonic-changes-in-functional-connectivity-and-white-matter-integrity-in-a-rat-model-of-sporadic-Alzheimers-disease, Yujian Diao et al.

V21        Optimierte Hintergrundunterdrückung für Arterial Spin Labeling bei 3 Tesla, Christian Eisen et al.

V22        NN-driven mapping of multiple diffusion metrics at high to ultra-high resolution using the bSSFP frequency profile, Florian Birk et al.

V23        Fusion of ultra-high-field DTI and 3D mesoSPIM microsco-py for white matter tractography in mice, Maria Karatsoli et al.

V24        Removing T2 blurring in RARE sequences by using a DenseNet, Hoai Nam Dang et al.


13:30 – 14:30     Lunch


14:30 – 15:30     Business Meeting (Mitgliederversammlung)

                                Zoom: https://ethz.zoom.us/s/62638303803


15:30 – 16:00     Awards and Farewell

                                Zoom: https://ethz.zoom.us/s/63055204648


List of Posters

P1           fMRI comparison of optogenetic and electrical stimulation in the mouse hippocampus, Nikolaos Molochidis et al.

P2           The next snapshot CEST for fast 3D APTw imaging at 3T, Patrick Liebig et al.

P3           Entwicklung und in-vitro-Evaluation einer GlucoCEST-Sequenz an klinischen 3 T MR-Scannern, Tobias Krähling et al.

P4*        7Li-/ 1H-Messaufbau für tierexperimentelle Anwendungen, Marco Deckers et al.

P5           Optimierte IR-DWI Aufnahmeparameter für ein 2-Kompartimentmodell der Prostata, Felix Gloger et al.

P6           Dependence of Biexponential IVIM Parameters on the Number of Slices in the Liver, Martin Loh et al.

P7           Orientierungsverteilung der Faserrichtungen in weißer Hirnsubstanz, Lucian Spitzner

P8           Investigation of changes in flow velocity due to wall motion on 3D printed tubes using 2D PC MRI, Isil Unal et al.

P9*        Flow quantification with MRI in the presence of flow diverter stents, Eva Peschke et al.

P10         Automatische Segmentierung des fibroglandulären Gewebes mittels U-Nets in der diffusionsgewichteten Bildgebung, Astrid Müller et al.

P11*      Super-selective pseudocontinuous arterial spin labeling MRI and angiography in Moyamoya disease, Patricia Ulloa et al.

P12         Schnellere MR-Bildgebung des Kniegelenkes mit Compressed SENSE und künstlicher Intelligenz, Andra-Iza Iuga et al.

P13         Simultaneous mapping of B0, B1 and T1 for the correction of CEST-MRI contrast, Kerstin Heinecke

P14*      Merging T1w and QSM provides a unique Tissue Contrast, Rakshit Dadarwal et al.



(*) Remote presentation



Best Talk and Best Poster Poll

It is a tradition of the German Chapter Meetings to distinguish best papers in both categories by a public poll. Please cast your votes until Friday 15:00 via these links using the tokens each of you will receive individually per email:


Best talk:             http://etc.ch/Brhv           


Best poster:        http://etc.ch/eE8s